Free Money for Personal Use?
Many of the late night shows out there talk about “free cash grants for individual use,” but we have never seen these types of grants. If that is what you are looking for – we suggest you stop your search now and don’t waste your time or money.
Seriously – buying grant “lists” are useless. No matter what they tell you, money for “personal use” or to pay off your debt just doesn’t exist!
HOWEVER, there certainly are grants out there, depending on your need or the need of your community or organization:
Nonprofit and Community Groups
- Educational Institutions
State and Local Governments
Health Care Organizations
Small Businesses that provide job training services or research in line with the SBIR.
Minority job training.
Women and Men who are in the layoff process and need re-homing in a new job.
Entrepreneurs that provide mentorship programs for youth.
and others!
Just us and ask if your situation could apply!
Have a question or need help setting up your tax-exempt, 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization? Email us directly, and we’ll get back with you ASAP! Just click HERE to send an email!