2021-2022 Perkins V: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Reallocation

Reallocation amounts for the 2021-2022 Perkins V: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Grant Application were made available in eGrants and are now available on the Entitlements web page.
No action is required by the grantee at this time. TEA staff will initiate adjustments to the largest budgeted class/object code to incorporate the reallocation amounts. The grantee’s approved budget, reflected on Schedule BS6001 – Program Budget Summary and Support, will be the sum of the final amount and reallocation amount.
Once the reallocation process is completed, grantees will receive email notifications of revisions to program budgets with their revised Notice of Grant Award (NOGA) attached to that email. Until those email notifications and attachments are distributed, TEA requests that LEAs and ESCs not submit any amendments to claim the reallocation funding.
If necessary, once it receives email notification of the revised budget and NOGA, an LEA or ESC may file an amendment to revise the budget entered by TEA staff. Please refer to the When to Amend the Application guidance on the Grant Administration Division’s Amending an Application webpage to determine whether an amendment is necessary.
The deadline to submit amendments is 5:00 p.m. Central Time, May 18, 2022.
For Further Information
For any grant-related questions, please contact the Grants Administration Division at (512) 463-8525, or EMAIL.