News from the Grants Administration Division
2021–2022 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (Federal): IDEA-B Formula-ARP, IDEA-B Preschool-ARP, and 2021–2022 Final Amounts Including 2020–2021 Carryover
The purpose of this GovDelivery is to notify recipients of the 2021–2022 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (Federal) that the following funds have been released. Final amounts, including the IDEA-B ARP funds, can be viewed on the Entitlements page.
• IDEA-B Formula-ARP
• IDEA-B Preschool-ARP
• 2021–2022 IDEA-B Formula final amounts
• 2021–2022 IDEA-B Preschool final amounts
• 2020–2021 IDEA-B Formula carryover funds
• 2020–2021 IDEA-B Preschool carryover funds
LEAs will be required to amend their Application Designation and Certification (ADC) form in eGrants to apply for the IDEA-B Formula-ARP and IDEA-B Preschool-ARP funds.
For each of these ARP funding sources, LEAs are required to select the same designation as they did for the “regular” IDEA-B Formula and/or Preschool funds or select “Not Apply at All.”
After certifying and submitting the amended ADC, LEAs must complete and submit an amendment to the 2021–2022 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (Federal) in eGrants to claim the funds listed above, as applicable.
Once an amendment has been initiated, the funding will appear on the BS6001—Program Budget Summary and Support schedule in eGrants. LEAs will then complete the program and budget schedules as appropriate, certify, and submit the amendment.
TEA will not be able to complete budget adjustments on behalf of LEAs this year.
Visit the TEA Grant Opportunities page for detailed information about the 2021–2022 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (Federal).
In addition, links to information on administering grants and other resources can be found on the Grants Administration page. For additional information related to the IDEA-B Formula and Preschool funding formula, please refer to the IDEA-B Funding Reference Manual.
Contact Information: For questions related to the calculated entitlement amounts, email the Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting Division HERE.